noix de cajou prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

noix de cajou | francusko - engleski rečnik

noix de cajou

ženski rod



ETYM French acajou, for cajou, prob. from Malay kâyu tree; cf. Portu. acaju, cf. Acajou.
Tropical American tree Anacardium occidentale, family Anacardiaceae. Ext
ensively cultivated in India and Africa, it produces poisonous kidney-shaped nuts that become edible after being roasted.
1. Kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted; SYN. cashew nut.
2. Tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted; SYN. cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale.
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Anacardium occidentale · cashew nut · cashew tree

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noix de cajou

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